Whom can I contact if I have a question that is not listed here?

 For questions about academic subjects, such as absence from classes or exams, contact your department office. For any general question in matters pertaining to the Coronavirus, please contact Gil Chaim Amit, Senior Assistant to the Vice President and CEO.

Contact by email: Gilha@savion.huji.ac.il.

What is the validity of the guidelines that the University is publicizing?

 In general, at this point, all guidelines are valid as of March 17, 2020. We continuously update in accordance with the Ministry of Health directives, and the validity of the University guidelines will naturally be extended as needed.

I organized a conference in Israel. Should I cancel?

According to the most recent Ministry of Health guidelines regarding the permitted gathering of people, all conferences in Israel must be canceled and postponed to a later date.

In general, the Ministry of Health guideline is to avoid unnecessary gatherings.

I am set to travel for a sabbatical / exchange student year abroad, but the university has announced the cancellation of travel abroad for all members of the faculty. What should I do?

Current Ministry of Health guidelines demand that everyone stay home. However, the current travel prohibition does not include travel for long periods. The staff member or student should exercise discretion about whether to make the trip or not. It should be noted that the university leaves the choice and the responsibility to the staff member. We recommend that you consult with the academic secretariat.

Exchange students for one semester are requested to cancel the trip, in coordination with the host university.

I am immune compromised and I am afraid to come to classes. What should I do?

Until further notice, it was decided that all learning at the HU will be conducted online. For this purpose, it was decided to postpone the opening of the semester by a week. The semester will begin on 22.3.2020.

 You can find materials and aides on the subject of online learning here: https://tlc.huji.ac.il/elearning

I had to cancel a flight that was for academic purposes. I paid for the flight with my own money. What should I do to get a refund?

You should contact the travel office, airline or hotel and ask for a refund. If the vendor does not approve a refund, we recommend that you consult the legal office by e-mail: Legaladv@savion.huji.ac.il.

I returned from a country that is not on the Ministry of Health list. Am I permitted to come to campus?

 According to the latest Ministry of Health guidelines, only those with special permission should work on campus. Everyone else should stay home.

(According to the latest Ministry of Health guidelines, as of March 9, 2020, at 20:00, all those returning from all overseas destinations must stay in isolation for 14 days, regardless of the country from which they returned).

I am a student who is in isolation and during this time the second round of examinations (Moad Bet) are scheduled. What should I do?

 Students will not be harmed by the fact that they must be in isolation. If necessary, they will be eligible for a special date for exams or submitting assignments. Please contact the secretariat of the department or faculty prior to the test date.

I live in a dorm and a roommate were required to stay in isolation.

According to Ministry of Health regulations, no one should leave their home unless strictly necessary, barring essential shopping, medical emergencies, and isolated 10 minute walks.  Inside your house, if isolation is well maintained, Ministry of Health guidelines do not require everyone in the house to adopt full isolation measures.

I am Israeli student and the dorm is not my only home. I have to go into isolation. What should I do?

 In this case, please contact the dormitory management the dormitory directly.

I am an Israeli student who lives in a dorm, and I have to go into isolation.  Can I do this in the dorm?

 The University’s directives to an Israeli student is to spend the isolation period in their home, not in the dorms. If this is not possible, please contact the dormitory management and each case will be examined individually.

I have to go into isolation, to whom should I report?

Besides reporting to the Health Ministry, faculty and students who are in isolation must report to the University on the following site: Https://hr.huji.ac.il/homeisolation

Is the university complying with all of the Ministry of Health directives?

The University is strictly following all directives issued by the Ministry of Health, and is in contact on an ongoing daily basis with officials from the Ministry of Health in order to receive instructions.

Where can I find updates and the most recent guidelines from the Ministry of Health?

 The Ministry of Health opened a dedicated web page which publishes all of the latest guidelines. For information regarding quarantine measures, public health behavior, and further information, check out: https://www.health.gov.il/Subjects/disease/corona/Pages/default.aspx